Bimblebox Birdnests 2

I got out my urban birdnest collection, thinking about vulnerable homes got me thinking about refugee nests, urban fringes of the world, shanty towns...

I got out my urban birdnest collection, thinking about vulnerable homes got me thinking about refugee nests, urban fringes of the world, shanty towns…

Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox Studio preparations for Document://Bimblebox

Recycled aluminium on the anvil, making a housing for the small video screens.

Recycled aluminium on the anvil, making a housing for the small video screens.

Eye sockets like nests. They will playback visions of the birds at the Bimblebox watering trough. Eyes that look inward. Brain nests.

Eye sockets like nests. They will playback visions of the birds at the Bimblebox watering trough. Eyes that look inward. Brain nests.

One response to “Bimblebox Birdnests 2

  1. Wonderful, Alison, Be careful that our Government doesn’t take over the manufacture of them to put in these so-called “offsets” and proudly announce they have solved the problem of nesting space for our native birds which have to vacate their territory for mines. They are really that stupid.

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