Moving images

Rufous Songlark Sings, 2014, Richard Morden

Bimblebox 153 Birds

Explore Bimblebox 153 Birds via these two videos combining artwork, music and poetry:

Four Bimblebox Birds for Bimblebox 153 Birds

Bimblebox 153 Birds: a selection of artwork and music

Alan Tulloch on Bimblebox Nature Refuge, 2016, photo Tangible Media

Alan Tulloch

Artist Alan Tulloch has attended many of the art, science, nature camps at the Bimblebox Nature Refuge. Linked here are two of his performance videos. Through performative printing Alan highlights the plight of threatened animals, extinct animals and threatened environments. Allan often uses coal dust to print ephemeral images in public areas, linking climate change with extinction.

Alan writes about his time on the Bimblebox art, science, nature camps here.
Watch Alan’s performance videos via the links below:

Haunt, 2017

Float 2017


Samara McIlroy

Samara was a remote ‘armchair’ participant in the first art, science, nature camp at Bimblebox. Unable to attend, Samara send a camera. Showreel was created using images from the returned camera.

Samara McIlroy – Showreel

Samara McIlroy; video and social collaborations, a two minute sample


Samara McIlroy – Titanic Too