Past Exhibitions

Jude Roberts working on site, Bimblebox Nature Refuge, 2012, photo Jill Sampson.

There have been three exhibitions that have been developed by the Bimblebox Art Project.

Scroll down and Go to links in the exhibition titles for more information:

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Brolgas, 2014, Heather Kepski, hand painted woodcut.

Current Exhibition:

Bimblebox 153 Birds

Touring – currently available to galleries
First exhibited in 2015
Developed for touring in 2019.
Curated and coordinated by Jill Sampson
Musician coordination, audio compilation and mixing by Boyd.
More than 450 artists, writers and musicians worldwide have contributed to this exhibition.

Bimblebox 153 Birds  Inspired by the birdlife of the Bimblebox Nature Refuge, Bimblebox 153 Birds is a unique installation of artist prints, poetry, prose and musician’s birdcalls by over 450 people worldwide. Each of the bird species is given voice by a writer, an artist and a musician. The installation consists of individual bird prints, while the writers and musicians pieces are captured and presented on audio playing into the room.

Compact in its design, and unique in its concept, Bimblebox 153 Birds showcases creative responses across a broad range of printmaking techniques, writing styles and innovative music. Designed to ‘hang in the round’, it enthrals gallery visitors who love being surrounded by birds while it sparks stories and conversations. It’s our story of our birds, how we experience them and sadly how we are losing them. Bimblebox 153 Birds creates an inspiring cultural experience for Queensland and Australian communities.

Curated by Jill Sampson
Audio compiled and mixed by Boyd

Past Exhibitions


5 – 27 April, 2013
Sawtooth ARI, Launceston Tasmania
Curated by Samara McIlroy, 
Developed and coordinated by Samara McIlroy and Jill Sampson
Artists: Alison Clouston & Boyd, Donna Davis, Glenda Orr, Samara McIlroy, Liz Mahood, Jude Roberts, Jill Sampson, Gerald Soworka.

Artwork image from REsource (detail), 2013, Donna Davis.

Bimblebox: art – science – nature

Toured Nationally 2014 – 2017,
curated by Beth Jackson
Developed by Jill Sampson (Bimblebox Art Project), Donna Davis (Museum and Galleries Queensland), Beth Jackson (curator, Artfully) and Stephanie Lindquist (Redland Art Gallery)
Artists: Howard Butler, Kaylene Butler, Dr Pamela CroftWarcon, Alison Clouston & Boyd, Donna Davis, Emma Lindsay, Fiona McDonald, Samara McIlroy, Liz Mahood, Glenda Orr, Michael Pospischil, Luke Roberts, Jude Roberts, Jill Sampson, Gerald Soworka, Shayna Wells.


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