Bimblebox birdnests

Bimblebox birdnests

Thinking about nests, the fragility of a home. In the studio, I hammer aluminium to protect a nest. As Karl said, “a rollcage”. Today I collected together all the images of  bird nests I made on Bimblebox, wondering if there is something I missed.

a roll cage for a nest begins on site at Bimblebox

a roll cage for a nest begins on site at Bimblebox

_DSC9866 _DSC9793looking up head cocked at an eagles nest

_DSC9736 _DSC9735red-browed finch Bimblebox

the new nest sites, the architecture of power




accidentally, disastrously, I unearthed a pardalote nest while clearing the vehicle track to the camp

Babblers' nest above the burn-off near our tent

vulnerable homes. The distinctive triangle is the Babblers’ nest above the burn-off near our tent

2 responses to “Bimblebox birdnests

  1. Alison, that is truly awesome. I am not an artist so am not sure what your thoughts are with piece of art but it makes me think of my neighbour who is really mad at me for leaving a little paddock full of grass because the Rufous Songlark was nesting. My neighbour wanted it slashed because of the fire season. This paddock is cleared on all sides so was not a fire danger to anyone. Your art piece makes me think that we should attune our brains to the requirements of our
    wildlife which ask so little of us.

  2. Maureen, Alison here, thanks for your comments. In answer to your question about my thinking, well, the photos are part of the thought process, I look at them in my mind’s eye while I tap away on the anvil, shaping the aluminium, and connections arise in my mind…the aluminium wire, smelted at huge greenhouse cost, is itself salvaged from the power-lines that pull the coal-power through the landscape…Boyd and I are thinking maybe we’ll put some of those little surveillance camera images of the birds at the trough inside some of these skulls, protective roll cages…making us mindful. So yes, you are dead right in the connections you make…The work is slowly resuming progress, just a glimpse for you

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